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Unity in Diversity

Lu Yunxi, Assistant Professor of New Testament Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary has a group of talented teachers, each with different gifts and majors; "co-teaching" allows us to use our unique talents and cooperate with each other to move towards a common goal. According to Ephesians 4:11-13, this goal is “…to equip the saints for the work of service, to build up the body of Christ, until we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, Grow up to the stature of the full stature of Christ” (Union Version, Revised Version). The body of Christ is unified in diversity; the role of the seminary is to teach students love, peace, and harmony while encouraging them to pursue their unique identities, passions, and gifts. We must embrace diversity, because only in diversity can we achieve true unity; only through true unity can we grow and experience the full stature of Christ. ...

Collaborative Teaching Enhances Learning and Teaching

Liu Zhenpeng, Assistant Professor of Practical Theology (Christian Ethics) A few years ago, after two colleagues from the Department of Practical Theology resigned, I was assigned to teach "Pastoral Leadership and Ministry" in the Master of Divinity program starting in 2012-13, and later Starting from the 2014-15 academic year, I was also assigned to teach the same course "Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling"; the co-teaching partner of the former is Rev. Lin Guobin, the pastor of our college, and the co-teaching partner of the latter is a senior professional counselor. Member Mr. Zhu Muhua. ...

Team Teaching @ HKBTS

"Team teaching" refers to two or more teachers teaching the same subject together. Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary ("Baptist Theological Seminary") has many subjects that adopt the "collaborative teaching" method. Therefore, in this issue of "College News", we invited Dean Cao Wai-tung to talk about this teaching model in the "Baptist Theological Seminary" course, and invited Teachers and students who have participated in "collaborative teaching" were invited to share their experiences and thoughts.