

Old Testament and Revenge: Viewed from the Book of Esther

Timothy SJ WU

The LXX and Jewish tradition added the name of God and attributed “hidden” spirituality to Esther and Mordecai in the book of Esther so that the book, where the name YHWH is absent, can be included in the Old Testament canon. However, from the perspective of textual criticism, the MT version of the book of Esther is the original version and any “addition” is superfluous. These types of cover-ups not only do not offer satisfactory explanations for the carnage committed by the Jews, they expose the weaknesses of the characters in the drama — Esther and Mordecai used ethically questionable means to consolidate their positions in a Gentile society. The reason the book of Esther could be part of the canon is not that it shows “humans are loveable” but that “God is love.” From the perspective of the Old Testament Historical books, taken as a whole, and biblical theology, the transformation of the “victims” into “avengers” recorded in the ninth chapter of the book does not constitute a holy war, much less a model of Old Testament ethics. The Biblical view on revenge is consistent; it is not “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” but “it is mine to avenge; I will repay.” The contribution of this book to Old Testament ethics is that the more humans act, the more God is hidden!





编者的话吴国杰近年,许多香港人受着种种负面情绪困扰。国际间,中美贸易战带来政治危机,俄乌战事引发通货膨胀,新冠疫症导致封关锁城。在本地,反修例风波促使人际关系撕裂,政局改变衍生矛盾的情绪,香港移民潮下出现离愁别绪。凡此种种都直接间接影响港人的心情,城市仿佛被厚厚的阴霾笼罩。 2023年的统计研究指出,香港人的快乐指数在亚太区排名倒数第一;当中尤其以年轻受访者的快乐指数最低,普遍对生活感到悲观。作为蒙神差遣在地上作盐作光的教会群体,我们当如何回应时代,为黑暗的世界带来亮光?今期《山道期刊》以「在盼望中活出信仰」为主题,期盼借着众学者对旧约圣经、新约圣经和灵修神学的研究,给身处困境的现代基督徒带来启迪。 ...