

Doctrine of the Church in the Teaching of Edward Irving

David Y. LEE

This paper attempts to re-construct the ecclesiology of Edward Irving (1792-1834) who was a Presbyterian minister and later founder of the Catholic Apostolic Church. It emphasizes two aspects of his ecclesiology. Firstly, Irving the Reformed-Pentecostal theologian understands the church as the body of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Owing to Irving's emphasis on the ascension of the humanity of Christ, Irving asserts the necessary work of the Spirit to empower the church as a witnessing and visible body of Christ to the world. Secondly, Irving the pre-millennial dispensationalist also understands the church dynamically as an eschatological community in holiness on the way to parousia. Owing to Irving's understanding of God's promise to Abraham being fulfilled in Christ's humanity, Israel is given a prominent role in God's eternal salvation plan. It is concluded that his ecclesiology is Christ-centered and Spirit-enabled resulting in a church that is reformed, charismatic and dispensational.





编者的话邓绍光人是什么?基督教的信仰认为,人既不是创造主,就必定是受造物。从这个角度来看,人是受造物的一分子,因此不能离开其受造特性来讨论。人论是不能离开创造论而独立建立起来的。那么,这个受造的人是怎样的?这是今期《山道期刊》专题文章想要探讨的。 ...