

Ancient and Modern Perceptions of Poverty, Subsistence and the Economic Location of the Pauline Communities

LEUNG Chun Ho Bernard

This paper explores the perceptions of poverty in Graeco-Roman society and the modern world, along with their implications for evaluating the economic circumstances of the Pauline communities. The initial sections of this study aim to elucidate the challenges associated with defining and perceiving poverty in scholarly debates. Given that poverty is a universally subjective human experience, describing and comparing the situation of “the poor” becomes a difficult, if not impossible, task. To analyze the limited and occasionally distorted data on the economic conditions of the ancient world, researchers require contemporary categories, languages, and research methods. Once the methodological issues have been clarified, this paper will provide an overview of the recent discussion about the economic situation of the Pauline communities, emphasizing the problem surrounding the utilization of the concept of “subsistence” in these discussions.





编者的话邓绍光人是什么?基督教的信仰认为,人既不是创造主,就必定是受造物。从这个角度来看,人是受造物的一分子,因此不能离开其受造特性来讨论。人论是不能离开创造论而独立建立起来的。那么,这个受造的人是怎样的?这是今期《山道期刊》专题文章想要探讨的。 ...


编者的话吴国杰主耶稣颁布大使命,内容除了吩咐跟从者要在人群当中为主作见证,努力领人归主外,还包括把主所吩咐的一切,都教导信徒遵守。也就是说,要装备信徒,使他们成为能够明白圣经、实践真道的门徒。近年香港出现移民潮,许多教友相继移居他方,其中有部分甚至是堂会曾经锐意培育的下一代领袖接班人,香港灵命成熟的信徒数目骤减,堂会内能够承担重要事奉岗位的领导团队,渐渐出现青黄不接的现象。培训更多信众起来承担使命,成为不少堂会解决当前困境的应急策略。今期《山道期刊》以「信徒装备」为主题,期盼借着众学者对圣经、历史和实践神学的研究,给华人教会带来启迪。 ...