

Theories and Practical Models of Spiritual Formation in Theological Education

Mei-Chuan CHU and Elijah LIANG Yi Li Yah

In theological education, spiritual formation is regarded as an indispensable aspect of nurturing future church pastors and leaders. However, as of now, the literature discussing the theoretical concepts and practical models of spiritual formation remains limited. There are variations in the understanding and implementation of spiritual formation among different theological institutions, and disagreements exist even among leaders within the same institution. This paper aims to investigate the existing understanding and practical models of spiritual formation in theological education. Our findings will serve as a reference for theological education institutions, and it is hoped that this will inspire more Chinese-speaking theological educators to engage in dialogue and research on this topic.

This paper identifies two approaches to spiritual formation in theological education in the current research. One starts with the unique background of each theological institution and takes into consideration the lives and calling of disciples as described in the Bible. It emphasizes that spiritual formation is the work of the Holy Spirit, and transformation is brought about through God's word. This approach features designing spiritual formation programs tailored to the institution's student community. The other approach focuses on one's personal relationship with God, considering and incorporating biblical theology and social sciences to explore the factors and processes of individual spiritual formation. Both approaches have their advantages, but a lack of in-depth dialogue between practitioners who adopt different approaches may cause tensions.

In this paper, we also discover that the practical models of spiritual formation used in various theological institutions usually consist of two parts: learning within the classroom and learning outside the classroom. Spiritual formation within the classroom can be further categorized into three types: integrated courses , specific spiritual formation courses, and incorporating spiritual formation elements into existing courses. Spiritual formation outside the classroom generally includes personal spiritual formation, group spiritual formation, and spiritual guidance.

This paper concludes with a discussion of our findings and offers recommendations for future research and development on spiritual formation in theological education.





编者的话邓绍光人是什么?基督教的信仰认为,人既不是创造主,就必定是受造物。从这个角度来看,人是受造物的一分子,因此不能离开其受造特性来讨论。人论是不能离开创造论而独立建立起来的。那么,这个受造的人是怎样的?这是今期《山道期刊》专题文章想要探讨的。 ...