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Child and Child Ministry: Family-oriented Child and Child Pastoral Care (1, 2)

suject Child and Child Ministry: Family-oriented Child and Child Pastoral Care (1, 2)
Lecturer Miss Zhu Chuoting
Creative writing classes, book clubs, parent class tutors and counselors
object Mentors, Sunday school teachers, Christian parents, Christian educators and other interested believers who are interested in understanding and serving children.
date 9/5, 16/5/2024
time 7:15pm - 9:15pm
Place Center for Applied Theological Education, Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary (8th Floor, Christian Building, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, Kowloon)
cost HKD 120 per class. (Each topic can be registered independently) Discount: If you register for three or more classes at one time, you can enjoy a 10% discount on the tuition fee.
Quota 40
Remark The topic is for auditing only, and an "auditing certificate" will be issued
Deadline for registration One week before the start of each topic
Registration form Online Application Download PDF Forms