
Message from the Editor of Issue 54

Editor’s Notes by Wu Guojie Lord Jesus issued the Great Commission. In addition to instructing followers to bear witness to the Lord among the crowd and strive to lead people to the Lord, it also includes teaching believers to abide by everything the Lord has commanded. That is to say, we must equip believers so that they can become disciples who can understand the Bible and practice the true way. In recent years, there has been a wave of immigration in Hong Kong, and many church members have emigrated to other places. Some of them are even the next generation of leadership successors that the church has been cultivating. The number of spiritually mature believers in Hong Kong has dropped sharply, and those who can assume important ministry positions in the church have The leadership team gradually became inactive. Training more believers to take on the mission has become an emergency strategy for many churches to solve the current predicament. This issue of "Sandow Journal" is themed "Equipment of Believers" and hopes to bring enlightenment to the Chinese church through scholars' research on the Bible, history and practical theology. ...
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Clutching at Life’s Edges

成興榮 舊約助理教授 Hing-weng Seng Assistant Professor of Old Testament   在舊約先知當中,先知以利亞是一個獨特的人物。經文描述他沒有經歷肉身的死亡,其離去的方式更是事史無前例,與眾不同。這位先知的獨特之處,不單見於他在火車火馬伴隨下乘旋風升天,也見於他初期作先知的時候,正如列王紀上第十七章所記載的。本文先簡述列王紀上這卷書的由來、第十七章的脈絡和結構,然後從敍事角度探索這章經文的詮釋。...
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Unworthy, Unbearable, and Unwilling

岳光僕 神學博士 Guangpu Yue (Th.D.) 從戲言到聖言   畢業臨近,心中惟有感恩。   我叫岳光僕,來自河南鄭州。我出生的時候,父親希望我長大後作上帝的僕人;他從約翰一書一章5節「上帝就是光」得到靈感,就為我取名光僕,所以,「光僕」其實就是「神僕」的意思。我大概七八歲的時候,有一次為了討父母開心,就對他們說:「等我中學畢業了,不去讀大學,要在家裏把爸爸的神學書籍都讀完,然後去考神學院。」不想竟一語成讖,戲言成真,後來我真的去讀神學;不僅如此,還有機會繼續深造。...
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