

Judges as a Narrative about Family: Metaphor and Reality of Israel's Family


This study views the story of Judges through the metaphor of family which intertwines with the real family stories of Israel's leaders before the monarchy. The story suggests that success comes only if members of the national family as well as individual members of each leader's family would fulfill their duties. The primary duty is religious with a view towards ethics. All such successes would give Israel her proper identity among the nations. Such a lesson was important for those in exile, whose identity was threatened by idolatry and whose ambition to return to their homeland was slowly faded by circumstances.





编者的话吴国杰自从新冠肺炎疫症爆发,全球染疫人数已逾二亿五千万,病逝者超过五百万,数字还未计算检测能力薄弱、无法确定死因的第三世界穷困国家。因着疫情,世界各地人民的生活、经济、出行皆受到不同程度的影响;例如外出要戴口罩,保持社交距离,聚会人数受限,入境须检疫隔离,旅游往来大减,相关行业裁员,失业率因而攀升等等。在这环境下,教会聚会也在相当程度上受到影响,疫情严重、聚会受限期间,教会实体聚会暂停,网上直播、视像对话成为必须的替代模式;即使疫情缓和,实体聚会重开,网上同步也变成新常态。面对这被称为「世纪疫症」的灾难,究竟基督信仰有何资源可帮助教会作出回应,将危机化为转机?今期《山道期刊》以「疫症与灾难」为主题,集合了不同的学者从两约圣经、教义神学、实践神学等角度进行探讨,期望能启迪现代的基督徒如何应对这个时代挑战。 ...