

Pauline Anthropology, Resurrection, and 1 Corinthians 15

LEUNG Chun Ho Bernard

The anthropological presuppositions of Pauline theology are usually not issues to which students of the New Testament give precedence. Questions such as “What is humanity?” “Who am I?” “Why do people sin?” “Are humans truly free?” etc. are considered relating directly to the disciplines of dogmatic theology, philosophical anthropology, or even psychology and sociology, and less pertaining to Pauline studies. However, anthropology is inextricably intertwined with nearly every aspect of Pauline theology, including Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. The key terminology of Pauline anthropology, i.e. “body,” “flesh,” “soul,” “spirit,” etc., is part and parcel of Paul’s discourses on the nature and purpose of Law, Sin, and Death. One important topic in anthropology is particularly heuristic to our discussion of Paul’s teaching of the resurrection of the dead: the continuity of identity of individuals. What makes a person’s identity remain unchanged in the afterlife? How can we claim that a person who was dead will have the same “self” in the resurrection? The questions become more difficult if we consider 1 Corinthians 15 which emphasizes the discontinuity between the resurrected body and the dead. This paper explores the study of anthropology in Pauline studies in recent decades. It suggests that, instead of “personal identity” as a human being, Paul highlights the “collective identity” of the believers in Christ who is the representative of those entering the heavenly existence. The continuity of identity is somehow preserved in collective terms despite the marked contrast or discontinuity in the resurrection.




第五十四期 編者的話

編者的話 吳國傑   主耶穌頒佈大使命,內容除了吩咐跟從者要在人群當中為主作見證,努力領人歸主外,還包括把主所吩咐的一切,都教導信徒遵守。也就是說,要裝備信徒,使他們成為能夠明白聖經、實踐真道的門徒。近年香港出現移民潮,許多教友相繼移居他方,其中有部分甚至是堂會曾經銳意培育的下一代領袖接班人,香港靈命成熟的信徒數目驟減,堂會內能夠承擔重要事奉崗位的領導團隊,漸漸出現青黃不接的現象。培訓更多信眾起來承擔使命,成為不少堂會解決當前困境的應急策略。今期《山道期刊》以「信徒裝備」為主題,期盼藉著眾學者對聖經、歷史和實踐神學的研究,給華人教會帶來啟迪。...