

“Love Thy Neighbor”: Theological Interpretation of Karl Barth

SHEA Chi Fung

“Love thy neighbor” is one of the most popular biblical phrases. We often use it to advocate caring for the poor in our communities. This paper is intended to offer a different reading. In Church Dogmatics I/2, Karl Barth suggests that the biblical notion of “my neighbor” is not a receiver of help but a benefactor sent from God to bring the divine compassion to God’s children. The main contribution of this paper is to make available this theological reading to the Chinese Christian communities. The paper has four sections. The first two sections are an account of Barth’s objection to the popular reading of this commandment and his exposition of the story of Good Samaritan (Lk10:25-37). They are followed by an analysis of the Christological ground of his reading. In the final section, a critique from Christian educational perspective is offered and some practical suggestions to Barth’s theological interpretation from the tradition of Spiritual Senses are given.




第五十三期 編者的話

編者的話 黃福光   本期《山道期刊》的專題是「神學研究的跨學科整合」。如何用六篇文章的篇幅好好論述這個大題目,實在是一項挑戰。儘管如此,今期收錄的文章涵蓋了多個方面,可以讓讀者稍稍了解這個領域。...