

The Teaching Office that Crosses the Divide: Priesthood of All Believers

IP-SHEA Chi Fung

The notions of the abled and the disabled constitute a two-tier hierarchical structure that sets people apart as “normal” or “abnormal” according to their bodily conditions. However, this line of demarcation easily becomes a way of segregation—”we-versus-they”. Recent theological reflections on disabilities, particularly those works that challenge the adequacy of disability right movement in overcoming such a deep seated segregation, suggest a return to the rich Christian traditions in order to discover new insights into the meaning of inclusion. This article attempts to extend this emergent approach of disability studies to the field of Christian Education. By revisiting the teaching office proposed by Martin Luther that is grounded on the doctrine of universal priesthood, the author intends to recover a radical form of inclusion for the social order of the Church.




第五十二期 編者的話

編者的話 鄧紹光 貧富不均是一個全球性的社會現象,不單現今世代如此,古代的舊約及新約世界也是一樣。因此,本期《山道期刊》以「貧與富」為主題,邀請不同學者撰文討論,範圍包括舊約、新約、早期教會、基督教倫理等不同領域。...