

Relationship of Theology and Cinema: Means of Mutual Enrichment

Jerry E. MOYE

Theology can be enriched by study of films just as the world of cinema can be enriched by theologians; there is significant overlapping of concerns. Theologians could be just as concerned about a good story as film makers. Both hope to gain a sympathetic response and engage the mind and passions of their audience. Both engage questions about the human condition; exploring our failures and hopes and probing the value systems by which we live.

The interaction needs to recognize the similarities and differences between theologians and film makers. Theologians are committed to a particular world view in which biblical stories are basic. This world view can be seen as a cosmic drama in which we all are part of a life and death struggle. Biblical stories concern flesh and blood people who struggle for moral integrity. They sometimes fall but, often, triumph. Christians have a great stock of powerful stories. Some are from the Bible while others are from struggling saints through the ages.

Film makers draw from a larger stock of stories and world views. Their probing of people caught in differing cultures and traditions can help Christians see the human condition in larger frame. Sometimes Christians can be near-sighted and not see our connection to all human beings who struggle for meaning and value in life.

There are several dimensions to exploring the common concerns of theologians and film makers. We can probe the matter of good art and bad art; specifically, what makes for a good story told in an effective way? We can study the films of a particular good film maker and analyze his/her world view. We can analyze those films which critics see as good and bad films and understand the intellectual climate of our day. We can testify to those particular movies which have given us personal soul enrichment.

Many Evangelical Christians still feel a resistance to enthusiastic enjoyment of films. It is part of our Puritan heritage. But for most of the population, watching films is an established mode of finding pleasure, stimulation, and even enlargement of soul. It is best to call our Christians to cultivate the skill of evaluating films that saturate our world. It is a means of engaging the mind and heart of our generation.




第五十期 編者的話

編者的話 黃福光 出版今期《山道期刊》的時候,香港正承受衝擊:新冠肺炎疫症仍然流行,又有為數不少的人口移民他方。為回應這些現象,今期的專題定為「聚與散」。本期專題文章總共六篇,三篇屬於聖經研究類,三篇屬於實踐神學類。...