Starting from Theology Camp for Youth …

  How did HKBTS’s inaugural Theology Camp for Youth come about?
  What is the “waiting room” style of pastoral ministry? What is the “waiting room” style of theological education?
  What is HKBTS’s vision of theological education for youth? …

  The Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary (HKBTS) held its inaugural Theology Camp for Youth on September 18, 2021, and achieved results far exceeding our expectations. Our seminary has always placed a particular emphasis on theological education for youth, and we have paid increasing attention to this specific area in recent years. During the 70th Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship held on November 28 last year, President Joshua Cho employed the concept of a “waiting room” by Andrew Root, a theologian known for his youth ministry, to underscore our concern for the younger generation and look forward to our contribution to theological education for youth. President Cho pointed out that the seminary should undertake the mission of training the youth in theological thinking by providing them with a “waiting room” style theological education so as to help bring about changes in church and society alike.

  The Newsletter invited President Cho, Chaplain Rev. Brian Lam, and two Associate Deans, Prof. Wong Fook-kong and Prof. Nathan Ng, to a zoom forum to discuss the topic “Theological Education for Youth.” They started with a discussion of the inaugural Theological Camp for Youth and went on to explore the “waiting room” concept as well as the direction and future of the seminary’s theological education for youth. We have put together the views of the forum participants and shared them here for our readers.

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