

The Role of Jesus in Salvation: A Confucian Soteriology of Wu Leichuan

Kwong-pui CHAN

This article examines the soteriology of Wu Leichuan. Wu’s soteriology is different from traditional Christian understanding in that he integrated the anthropology of Zhu Xi in his formulation. He recognized that every one needs others to stimulate his own goodness in the process of becoming a saint. Jesus serves an important and valuable role in the process of people’s awareness and sanctification. Nevertheless, Wu ascertained that human beings could become saints through their own effort. The author concludes that Wu failed to achieve a coherent integration of the emphasis on Jesus’ unique role in Christianity with the emphasis on human effort in Confucianism.




第四十九期 編者的話

編者的話 鄧紹光 人是甚麼?基督教的信仰認為,人既不是創造主,就必定是受造物。從這個角度來看,人是受造物的一分子,因此不能離開其受造特性來討論。人論是不能離開創造論而獨立建立起來的。那麼,這個受造的人是怎樣的?這是今期《山道期刊》專題文章想要探討的。...