

Wolfhart Pannenberg: Spirit of Life, Spirit of God


Pannenberg’s doctrine of the Spirit is difficult, philosophically informed and comprehensive. He presents a doctrine of the nature and activity of the Spirit that combines an understanding of the Spirit in creation and the processes of creation, in the human person and in God in a united and parallel way. We find that in all these areas, the Spirit is viewed in a two-fold way: as a more general ‘field’ and also as a more specified particularity of the field as ‘person’ or agent. The Spirit’s nature is found in the flux between these two concepts.

This paper examines this dynamic interplay between the two aspects of the Spirit’s nature in two areas.

1) Person formation where the Spirit is the element of openness and eschatological directedness. The Spirit, the power of the future, is the Spirit of the whole who unites, opens and leads people and creation to the eschaton.

 2) In God, the Spirit is both God-as-Spirit and the Holy Spirit. Here Pannenberg’s distinctive view of the Spirit is as a field of force as an explanation of the Trinitarian essence is important. Also discussed is how the Spirit functions within the Trinity especially as a catalyst or opener of relations, and who unites the Trinity in fellowship, providing the outward dynamic of God to the world. Pannenberg links this to the concept of love and identifies the Spirit especially as love and the determining component of divine personality.




第五十一期 編者的話

編者的話 吳國傑 近年,許多香港人受著種種負面情緒困擾。國際間,中美貿易戰帶來政治危機,俄烏戰事引發通貨膨脹,新冠疫症導致封關鎖城。在本地,反修例風波促使人際關係撕裂,政局改變衍生矛盾的情緒,香港移民潮下出現離愁別緒。凡此種種都直接間接影響港人的心情,城市彷彿被厚厚的陰霾籠罩。2023年的統計研究指出,香港人的快樂指數在亞太區排名倒數第一;當中尤其以年輕受訪者的快樂指數最低,普遍對生活感到悲觀。作為蒙神差遣在地上作鹽作光的教會群體,我們當如何回應時代,為黑暗的世界帶來亮光?今期《山道期刊》以「在盼望中活出信仰」為主題,期盼藉著眾學者對舊約聖經、新約聖經和靈修神學的研究,給身處困境的現代基督徒帶來啟迪。...