
The Ontological Paradigm of Tillich's Political Theology on "Nature State"

The Ontological Paradigm of Tillich's Political Theology on “Nature State”


Since the time of Hobbes and Lock political philosophy has built its foundation on social contract theory. Proceeding from different presuppositions, both Hobbes and Lock have, nevertheless, developed their theories of Group Relationship on the same concept of “nature state”. As a twentieth century's key theologian, Paul Tillich has paid much attention to various types of human relationships and attempted to build a dynamic ethic in relation to that. For Tillich, the idea of nature state is constructed through the “ought to be” oriented ontology. This article seeks to present the essential differences of nature state represented by Tillich's political theology of ontological perspective from the traditional views, focusing on a comparison between Tillich and the traditional political philosophers, namely, Hobbes and Lock. By doing so, we may arrive at a conclusion of the contribution that Tillich's ontological perspective has on the concept of nature state.

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