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The Amazing Hill Road Journal

Professor Wong Fook-Kwong Old Testament It is a real honor for me to serve as an editorial board member of "Sandow Journal" over the years. As the editor of the journal, I naturally hope that more and more people will read "Sand Road". Unexpectedly, an Australian Bible scholar asked me for the English version of an article I published in "The Mountain Road" two or three years ago. I was very pleasantly surprised. It must have been one of his students (perhaps a Chinese student who came from Hong Kong to study there) who quoted my article and aroused his interest. It is really gratifying to know that fellow readers from as far away as Australia are also reading "Mountain Road". This affirms our efforts! At the same time, this also wakes us up and reminds us that we must continue to maintain the standard of "Sandao". Seminary students will read "The Way of the Mountain" and quote it in their lessons; likewise, their teachers and foreign colleagues may enjoy reading it. ...

The Pain and Joy of Giving Birth

Professor Wu Guojie of Christian Thought (Church History) Publishing is like giving birth. When I first hear the good news of pregnancy, I always feel excited. The author began to serve at the Baptist Church in early 2001. The "Sandao Journal" which was founded 20 years ago has already been published for several issues. Not long after I started teaching, I was fortunate enough to be invited to serve as the editor of the eleventh issue in 2003. I had my first taste of manuscript invitation, review, and proofreading. I also added a "discussion article" section to the journal for the first time. Although the work was challenging, it brought joy. . After that, I had the opportunity to serve as editor for three issues of the journal and wrote more than ten articles. My participation in journal publication seemed to have never stopped. In 2010, Dean Cao Weitong invited me to further serve as an editorial member. Since I have always been responsible for academic research, I gladly accepted. ...

HRJ's Themes in 20 Years

Deng Shaoguang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "Sandao Journal" The theme of "Sandao Journal" for the past 20 years. The theme of the first issue of "Sandao Journal" is "Character Formation and Church Ministry", and the 40th issue is "Discipline of the Faith Community". If the beginning and the end are representative in some way, then these two issues show certain characteristics of "Sandow Journal": paying attention to the church and making rigorous faith reflections for the church. It is not difficult to get this impression by slightly classifying the themes of the forty issues (see the chart). ...