

Theological Interpretation of Origen

Nathan K. NG

Although many scholars have praised Origen as the most influential early church father in the history of biblical exegesis, he is almost neglected by modern Christian Church. The main reason is that he is regarded as a key promoter of allegorical interpretation which was rejected in the time of Reformation. Is allegorical interpretation really groundless, chaotic and unacceptable? This article tries to answer such questions by re-examining the theological bases and explaining the inner logics of Origen’s biblical exegesis.
The article includes four sections. The first discusses briefly the theological system of Origen and show how biblical study is related to his soteriology. The second explores the divine nature, saving function and limited understandability of the Scriptures. The third explains the apologetic, theological and scriptural concerns pushing him to embrace allegorical approach. In the last section, Origen’s guideline and procedure of searching spiritual meanings are expounded. Although allegorical interpretation is strange for most modern Christians, it is very common in the early church. From the model of Origen, we see that such interpretation can be sincere, faithful, careful and scholarly with strong theological and biblical foundation.




第四十八期 編者的話

編者的話 吳國傑 自從新冠肺炎疫症爆發,全球染疫人數已逾二億五千萬,病逝者超過五百萬,數字還未計算檢測能力薄弱、無法確定死因的第三世界窮困國家。因著疫情,世界各地人民的生活、經濟、出行皆受到不同程度的影響;例如外出要戴口罩,保持社交距離,聚會人數受限,入境須檢疫隔離,旅遊往來大減,相關行業裁員,失業率因而攀升等等。在這環境下,教會聚會也在相當程度上受到影響,疫情嚴重、聚會受限期間,教會實體聚會暫停,網上直播、視像對話成為必須的替代模式;即使疫情緩和,實體聚會重開,網上同步也變成新常態。面對這被稱為「世紀疫症」的災難,究竟基督信仰有何資源可幫助教會作出回應,將危機化為轉機?今期《山道期刊》以「疫症與災難」為主題,集合了不同的學者從兩約聖經、教義神學、實踐神學等角度進行探討,期望能啟迪現代的基督徒如何應對這個時代挑戰。...