
The Relationship between Christian Ethics and the Transformation of Life: A Study of the Role of the Holy Spirit and the Nature of Transformation

The Relationship between Christian Ethics and the Transformation of Life: A Study of the Role of the Holy Spirit and the Nature of Transformation

Elijah LIANG Yi Li Yah

Since Thomas Aquinas, Christian ethics and virtue ethics have been closely intertwined. In recent discussions, some scholars have even equated Christian ethics with virtue ethics. However, while Christian ethics embodies virtuous qualities, it should not be limited to virtue or theological virtue, as a Christian's life begins with being crucified and resurrected with Christ, resulting in a new life. Therefore, to truly understand Christian ethics, it is essential to clarify the relationship between this new life and ethics. Otherwise, Christian ethics might devolve into humanistic ethics or become a self-help spiritual growth. This article explores the views of three scholars who emphasize the significance of the Holy Spirit in Christian ethics and delve into anthropology to explore the nature of human transformation and how it relates to being crucified and resurrected with Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of life, this article also explores the concepts of human creation, fall, and Paul's discourse on new life in Romans and Galatians from this perspective. Finally, based On our research findings, this article offers substantial ethical application recommendations.

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