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The Signpost of Faith and Life

Ke Zhaotian (first year of Master of Divinity) Zhaotian and his family believe in God. I grew up in the church and had little (or even no) doubts about the existence of God. I decided to believe in the Lord when I was in the third grade of elementary school. However, as I grew older, I also went through the stage of doubting my faith (for example, why do some people who call themselves Christians do such terrible things? Why does God allow them to do this? Why can't I use logic to understand God? ). But thank God, He helped me overcome all this with "faith" and let me understand that God is the truth, above logic; and God is love, and He even gave us His only son, Jesus, as a ransom. How could it be untrustworthy? ...

Dedicated to God: Being Torn Down and Built Up Again

Luo Kairui (1st year, Bachelor of Theology) I don’t want to let opportunities pass me by. I grew up in a Christian family and am an only child. Since childhood, he has followed his parents to attend church, Fanling Baptist Church, Sunday school and worship services. When I was young, I made a decision two or three times. At that time, I thought it was very interesting, and I did not seriously think about the relationship between faith and my life, and that I wanted God to change me. ...