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Clutching at Life’s Edges

Cheng Xingrong Assistant Professor of Old Testament Among the Old Testament prophets, the prophet Elijah was a unique figure. The scriptures describe that he did not experience physical death, and the way he died was unprecedented and unique. The uniqueness of this prophet is not only seen in his ascension into heaven in a whirlwind, accompanied by chariots of fire and horses, but also in his early days as a prophet, as recorded in 1 Kings chapter 17. This article first briefly describes the origin of the book of 1 Kings, the context and structure of Chapter 17, and then explores the interpretation of this chapter from a narrative perspective. ...

Walking Together on the Path of Theological Training

Brothers and sisters are called to enter Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary to equip themselves and become faithful servants of God. How do they navigate this path of theological study? What are your thoughts and experiences? This issue of "School News" invites some graduates of the school's theology courses to share their experiences and bear witness to the Lord who walks with others.