
The Pursuit and Renewal of Faith Led by Lay Believers: The Late Middle Ages Devotio Moderna Movemen

The Pursuit and Renewal of Faith Led by Lay Believers: The Late Middle Ages Devotio Moderna Movement

IP Pui Shum

This essay examines the Devotio Moderna movement, which emerged in late medieval Europe, focusing on how this lay-led initiative sought spiritual renewal and significantly influenced religious practices among ordinary believers. Spanning over 170 years from its inception to its decline, the movement's influence was recognized by the papacy during its height. On the eve of the European Reformation, Devotio Moderna continued to exert a significant impact on both education and the culture of faith. Although the movement did not produce original theological works, some of its critiques and ideas regarding religious practices resonated with later generations, including those involved in the Reformation.

This article explores the historical context and beliefs of the movement, the forms of religious practice its adherents embraced, and the relevance of its insights for the contemporary Church. As John van Engen aptly describes, Devotio Moderna exemplifies a form of spirituality on the edge, betwixt and between, that calls Christians to return to their inner resources and to God. The followers of this movement, known as the New Devouts, identified themselves as sojourners and pilgrims. However, they did not confine themselves to the pursuit of private devotion. Rather, they sought alternative organizational structures within the gaps of the institutional Church, seeking opportunities to foster communal piety. The movement also placed a strong emphasis on the education of the next generation and the dissemination of religious texts. Regarding spiritual practices, Devotio Moderna advocated a sharply Christocentric focus in both the reading of Scripture and prayer, which strongly resonated with ordinary believers. Furthermore, the movement's emphasis on worship and liturgical life, providing tangible models of pious behavior that were accessible to people of diverse backgrounds, likely contributed to its sustained growth and lasting influence.

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