President’s Message
Narcissism and Self-love
Many people say that we live in an age of narcissism. There is an idiom in the English world that is particularly suitable for describing the current situation. That is "you do you", which means: follow your unique path, you do your thing, go your own way. This sounds like inspirational words, but it is actually very problematic. There is a strong "narcissistic" mentality behind "You do you", which involves what is the ultimate personal authority: only I can decide everything! ....

Bachelor of Theology
Christians who are called to full-time ministry but do not have a bachelor’s degree are welcome to apply.

Master of Divinity
Christians who are called to full-time ministry and hold a bachelor’s degree are welcome to apply.

Master of Christian Studies
Christians who wish to pursue deeper knowledge in their faith and hold a bachelor’s degree are welcome to apply.

Master of Theology
Christians who wish to upgrade themselves academically and already hold a first theological master degree are welcome to apply.
Other Programs
Admissions for 2024 Latest Programs

Lay Theological Education Program
The Seminary has established Lay Theological Education Department since 1995 to address the needs of churches and to actualize our vision of "Priesthood of Believers".

Distance Education Program
The Seminary has set up the Distance Education Program since February 1998 to provide theological training by "correspondence" or via the "internet" for Chinese Christians all over the world, so that they can equip themselves at any time and place...

Edna Wong Christian Worship and Arts Education Centre
Edna Wong Christian Worship and Arts Education Centre aims to provide Christians with a renewed knowledge of worship by seeking wisdom from the Bible, theology and church history, and then coming to a correct understanding of genuine worship.

Pastoral Continuing Education Centre
In this rapidly changing world, pastoral ministry is becoming more demanding and challenging than ever. With a view to meeting pastoral needs...